A finale & a trailer

Goodbye, Play as Practice. Hello, Divinations.

Hard to believe we're closing out Season Two: Play as Practice, but here we are! This season has been such an amazing few months of imagination and experimentation and collaboration, and I'm so grateful to all of you who show up week after week to hang out in our little corner of curiosity and creativity here on the Internet.

Season Three heralds a new mini-series to round out the year (find out more in the episode!), and since it'll be a bit different in terms of format, we're announcing the Asynchronous Book Club themes and picks for November and December today!

November | Lost & Found: Family Stories

December | Big Book Energy

Thank you so much for being here; it means the most to me. Here’s the full episode transcript in case you want to read along — and check out the trailer for Season Three below, too!

Enjoy, and see you next season!

xx, aa

[ Transcript: Season Three trailer; dialog over music bed ]

sandra yannone:  The making of a poem is like living inside revelations. I love the process of discovery, and it's in the making that discoveries happen.

allison arth: Hey everybody, and welcome to the Little Oracles podcast, Season Three: Divinations, featuring poet Sandra Yannone.

aa: It's larger than just poetry itself; people can take this idea of the practice of making and apply it to whatever.

sly: It is about how we learn to listen and learn to re-see. Because we've always, always had it, and this is about how can we return to our own origins of those practices.

aa: In this very special seven-episode mini-series, Sandy and I are collaborating to bring you a conversation in poems based on the original Little Oracles poetic fragments.

sly: There is nothing better as a writer than being the escape artist.

aa: I love that.

sly: It forces you to find keys to unlock locks that you did not know even existed. So I, whenever possible, take up the challenge of any constraint because I feel like, oh, you're inviting me to a magic show. Or you're inviting me to be the magician! Let me put my top hat on and get to work!

aa: We’ll debut work in progress, discuss the creative process, and dig into what it means to partner with — and find inspiration in — other thinkers, makers, and creators.

sly: You're drawing off of the other poet, so you know your moment of origin.

aa: I love this idea of finding that germination point–

sly: Mm.

aa: –within the work of someone else; working together with people is the thing that helps each of us get more in touch with our own process.

sly: These portals: we all have access to them. This is not relegated to only the poets. In fact, we're all poets.

aa: Yes! [laughs]

sly: Every single one of us.

aa: I can’t wait to share this season with all of you; Season Three, Episode One drops on Thursday, November 9th, followed by episodes every Tuesday through mid-December. Find Little Oracles wherever you get podcasts at littleoracles.com, and, as always, take care, keep creating, and stay divine!

sly: I feel we will be spontaneously combusting in the near future.

aa: [laughs] Perfect! [laughs, sighs] Ohh.


Hello, Divinations


Hauntings V: The Halloween Special